Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Talith Koum

Mark 4-6

" He was never without a story when he spoke..."

"Talith Koum, little girl, get up"

"(Speaking to the disciples before sending them out on their own to preach and heal) Don't think you need a lot of extra equipment for this. You are the equipment. No appeals for special funds, keep it simple....If you're not welcomed, not listend to, quietly withdraw. Don't make a scene. Shrug your shoulders and be on your way."

"But he (Jesus) answered, 'You give them something to eat'"

"...He climbed a mountain to pray"

I love reading the stories of Jesus. I love to think of what it must have been like to witness His miracles. And I wonder, what can I learn from our Jesus. Stories, everyone loves a story, He used stories to reach people, we should use stories to reach people. I can learn to use Powerful, yet gentle words. Jesus, the perfection of powerful and gentle. "Lion and Lamb"... To remember how to use the Lord's power, but also, how to use his love...To remember that God can use whatever we have, whatever we are willing to dedicate to Him... To remember not to take things personally, not to let ourselves by road blocked by something so-and-so said ...To have faith that with God, we can "feed" everyone, even if we are feeling like we are running low on "food"... Why climb a mountain? Couldn't Jesus pray at the bottom of the mountain? Or is it that nature, that distant places, are sometimes important for our spiritual lives? Do we sometimes need to get away, leave the world, climb a mountain, and go to a place where it is just God and us?

Psalm 19

NIV: "The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of his hands."

The MSG: " God's glory is on tour in the skies, God-craft on exhibit across the horizon"

Think about how it makes you feel to watch a sunrise, a sunset? How does it make you feel to look at the stars, or to look at the shapes in the clouds?
Isn't a moment of peace? Or sometimes a moment of despair, when looking upward is all we can do to make ourselves feel there is hope? To remind ourselves that there must be something bigger than us out there? Why do we love all these things going on up above is? Is it because, deep inside us, we know, we know that we belong up there? We know that God is there? God is everywhere, but the sky is something so un-touchable, somethiing we can only see, but not touch. But we can still feel it's power, we can still be in awe. We can still, whether we know it or not, see God.

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