Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 16

WOW So I am bad at this so far, but I am still trying!!

I have done a few days just reading the devotional and not doing blog entries, so we will skip them, the one I finally did today is day 16. I need to be more committed... see...even student missionaries have trouble reading the Bible everyday! But once I start, I don't want to stop!

Day 16 Genesis 35-36

“Rachel died and was buried...”

Ouch okay so Jacob had just finished building this little altar for God because God came and told him “Hey I am the strong God” among other positive things, and then, the next thing we read about is that his wife dies giving birth to his son! So Jacob could do one of two things - He could have been angry at God and been like oh so you are so strong, not strong enough to save my Rachel though! Or been like, God thank you for coming and talking to me and reminding me who you are so when Rachel died, I remembered what you had told me and that your strength would get me through it. Well I know Jacob didn’t turn his back on God, so I would say he made the second choice. But wow, poor guy, all of a sudden he has no wife, but a crying baby.


“Do you think you can mess with the dreams of the poor? You can’t, for God makes their dreams come true. Is there anyone around to save Israel? Yes, God is around, God turns life around.”

Go God. Preach it brother. What now. The Bible just told everyone off. Like hey you, dream killer, get lost, I have God, and you, do not have anything on God.

1. What do you feel God values in these chapters?
He values making his presence known. He visited Jacob before Jacob needed him, so that when Jacob needed him he could look back and remember that he has a strong God.

2. What picture of God does this Psalm form in your mind?
A God who is looking, looking for his people, a God who is protecting his people, reminding his people that their dreams can come true. A God who cares about the dreams his people have, because he gave them those dreams. A God who saves. Who leads. Who doesn’t forget about us.

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