Monday, November 16, 2009

Day 5

Day 5

Genesis 10-11

“Cush also had Nimrod. He was the first great warrior on Earth. He was a great hunter before god. There was a saying, “Like Nimrod, a great hunter before God.”

I love this because it’s sounds like a movie. We have lots of movies about great warriors, movies like 300 and Gladiator...And we don’t tend to picture the Bible having the intensity of those movies, but it does! The Bible was the first epic story ever written, it has the best of the best, and its real!

Question: What would be different in a world where everyone spoke the same language? What would be the same?... Religiously, there would be major differences. If everyone spoke the same language, the jobs of missionaries who go to foreign countries would be much easier.. Not everyone on earth right now knows about Jesus or the Bible, partially because of the time and effort and money it takes to translate the Bible. But if we all spoke the same language, that would change a lot in that area. A lot of things would be the same. We would still argue, and disagree. We would still think our accent is better and our way of doing things is better. We would still be humans.

Psalm 5

“But you’ll welcome us with open arms when run for cover to you. Let the party last all night! Stand guard over our celebration. You are famous, God, for welcoming God-seekers, for decking us out in delight.”

Wait what. Party? With God? YES! God likes to get his party on just as much as you and I do. He wants everyone to be at the party though, He wants us to bring all of our friends, He wants us to stay up all night having fun together.

Question: What primary idea do you take away from this Psalm? ... David is expressing how he knows God doesn’t spend time with evil, with sin, but yet, God invites David to spend time with Him. David knows he is a sinner, but he is also telling God, “hey I don’t want to be. I don’t want people who lie, cheat, and steal to bring me down, but they are everywhere, and I need your help! And when I make past them, when I succeed and stay true to you, we can have a party! We can celebrate! And you will take care of me while we celebrate, you will spend time with me, bless me.”

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