Thursday, November 12, 2009

Day Four

Day Four

Genesis 8-9

"When the rainbow appears in the cloud, I'll see it and remember the eternal covenant between God and everything living, every last living creature on earth."

It is interesting that God is telling Noah that the rainbow is for us, but he then also points out that the rainbow is for him. It's like just in case he started to get really fed up with the world, the rainbow would be there to remind him that he made a promise, and he made it for a reason.

Question: Imagine being on the ark... Being on the ark must have been totally exciting at first, and then a bit depressing. like what if they wanted to work out? you could run from top to bottom and side to side...what if you got sea sick, cause that could be a real bummer. But looking out of the ark and seeing only water and sky must have looked pretty cool, but also may have been scary, what if the boat gets a hole? But then again if God cared enough to warn you about the flood and tell you how to prepare for it then he would make sure you survived it. I think the best part would have been getting off the boat, seeing a new world, knowing you have gotten a fresh start.

Psalm 4

"Why is everyone hungry for more? "more, more," they say. "more, more." I have God's more-than-enough, more joy in one ordinary day, than they get in all their shopping sprees. At day's end I'm ready for sound sleep, For you, God have put my life back together."

Question: Do you relate to the Psalmist? I wish I did. I mean, I do sometimes. God makes me happy, thinking about heaven makes me happy. But shopping makes me happy is a real struggle for me. I love fashions and trends and new things. I love wearing a cute outfit, looking good. I have no problem with the idea of giving it up for God, I know He is my number one. But I still feel bad everytime I shop, like I'm not taking it to heaven, so do I really need it? What would God say, would he be like "Audrey I love that shirt! I made that color, and I think it's one of my favorites" or would he be like " you really need another shirt? You could do something for someone with that money.."...ugh. rough. I think He is both. He wants us to be happy and enjoy the things of this world, but to also use our money for others sometimes as well. But I can't help feeling slightly guilty when I spend money on things like clothes...and nailpolish...and jewelry...etc... I wish that I didn't like to shop, that I didn't care about clothes. But I do. So now I just have to sort out how much is too much.

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